
Common questions

Which browsers do you support?

We have extensions for Firefox, Edge, and Chrome. Many Chromium browsers can use Chrome extensions, but due to the nature of Foreground's tracking, we need to maintain a whitelist of these browsers. Currently we support:

  • Chromium
  • Brave
  • Vivaldi
  • Opera
  • Wavebox

If you require support for another browser, please contact support.

I don't think the browser extension is working

First, make sure your browser is one that's in our list of supported extensions. If everything is working correctly, you should see the name of the browser listed under Extensions in the Settings tab.

If you see a browser listed there that doesn't match the name of the browser you're using, your browser may not be supported. Please contact support.

If you're using Vivaldi, make sure it is reporting its user-agent as Vivaldi, not Chrome. Open the Vivaldi Settings window and go to the Network page. Under “User Agent Brand Masking” set the browser brand back to Vivaldi, then restart Vivaldi so our extension can reconnect.

What versions of Windows do you support?

Foreground runs on Windows 10 and 11.

Is any of my data sent from my computer to other servers?

By default, no. Everything is stored locally.

If you enable the Exist integration, totals about your time spent each day (e.g. productive time) are synced regularly, but no further information about apps or sites is sent.

How often does Foreground sync to Exist?

Foreground will sync every hour, as well as on launch.

Where can I find my Foreground database?

Foreground stores its data in a SQLite file. In your user folder, go to AppData\Local\HelloCode\Foreground\ and find the file data.sqlite. Don't open this database while Foreground is running, as it needs to be the only process writing to the database.

Also, you might want to make a backup of this database first if you want to modify it, just in case.

You can find the AppData\Local\ folder by hitting Windows+R keys and typing %LOCALAPPDATA% into the dialog box, then pressing Enter or clicking OK.

Where can I find my Foreground log file?

It's in the same folder as your database. In your user folder, go to AppData\Local\HelloCode\Foreground\ and find the file Foreground.log.

You can find the AppData\Local\ folder by hitting Windows+R keys and typing %LOCALAPPDATA% into the dialog box, then pressing Enter or clicking OK.

Will you add a feature for me?

Maybe! We have a public roadmap where you can suggest and vote for new features. We're committed to prioritising what's popular, so make sure to vote for what you want to see.

How do I report a bug?

Please email us at and describe your issue in as much detail as you can.

Browser extensions

Get involved

Like with our other products, we're committed to working in public so you can keep up to date with Foreground's development, and help us choose what to work on next.

Our public roadmap shows every task for Foreground, from suggestion through to completion. We'd love to see you there to suggest and vote for new features. We want to build what's most useful for the majority of users, so suggestions with more votes are more likely to be added.

Get help

If you have any other issues or questions, just email us at